BDNW Issue - 27

Big data lessons: 5 things COVID-19 has taught us

#27 - July 22, 2020 Curated news, articles on Big Data, FinTech, Blockchain, IoT, AI

Low-code platforms: The Future of Data AnalyticsAs low-coding development environment makes non-coders to develop applications without facing difficulties. The future of low-code platforms is improving which eliminates the progression of the hard side of coding.8 Major Challenges Faced By Data ScientistsData scientists spend nearly 80% of their time cleaning and preparing data to improve its quality – i.e., make it accurate and consistent, before utilizing it for analysis. However, 57% of them consider it as the worst part of their jobs, labeling it as time-consuming and highly mundane.Finding the Humane in Artificial IntelligenceModern society’s stance on artificial intelligence — AI — is generally split down the middle. While some insist that next-gen robotics and AI-driven machines are set to take over the world, others take a more realistic approach.How Big Data Will Be a Driving Force for 5GThe 4G network is familiar to most people who use mobile devices, but now many people are excited about the promise of 5G — a next-generation network capable of blazing-fast speeds and virtually no latency, among other benefits10 big data blunders businesses should avoidBig data is a promising investment for firms, but embracing data can also bring confusion and potential minefields — everything from where companies should be spending money to how they should be staffing their data teams.Big data lessons: 5 things COVID-19 has taught usWe have learned a lot about big data in action during the COVID-19 crisis. Going forward, these lessons will make it easier for enterprises and vendors to deliver better big data projects and products.How to trick deep learning algorithms into doing new thingsTwo things often mentioned with deep learning are “data” and “compute resources.” You need a lot of both when developing, training, and testing deep learning models.The Significance of Blockchain in Big DataThe World Economic Forum (WEF) defines blockchain as a technology that allows people to transfer assets to one another in a secure way without any intermediaries. It enables transparency, immutability, and autonomous execution of business rules.25 Java Machine Learning Tools & LibrariesThis is a list of 25 Java Machine learning tools & libraries. Weka has a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. The algorithms can either be applied directly to a dataset or called from your own Java code.Microsoft enhances Azure platform with new capabilitiesMicrosoft Inspire has kicked off with a number of major announcements across Microsoft’s Azure, Microsoft 365, business applications, security, enablement, and sustainability initiatives. In this story we focus on the company’s Azure announcements.     Courses       Data science courses to jumpstart your future  Popular online courses for data science include introductions to data science, data science in R, Python, SQL, and other programming languages, basic data mining techniques, and the use of data science in machine learning applications.   Become an Azure expert using real-life case studies  With internet-based computing, exchange of information has been facilitated with universal access of the computing resources also allowing enterprises to store and process huge data in data centers provided by third-party.  .        For a detailed list of books covering Big data Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and associated programming languages check out our big data books page.  Want to reach our audience / fellow readers? Consider Sponsoring - grab a spot now.   Big Data | Hadoop News | AI | ML | NoSQL | Education | IoT | Cloud