BDNW Issue - 18

Happy New Year from Big Data News Weekly!

#18 - Dec 31, 2019 Curated news, articles on Big Data,FinTech, Blockchain, IoT,AI

Big Data Security: A Review of 2019 and Conclusions for 2020If you analyze your data and keep it secure, you can leverage big data insights and improve your business. However, if your big data isn’t secure, you may face monetary and brand authority losses. As 2019 draws to an end, it’s important to review our past security efforts, and find the spots that require further improvement.How AI Will Affect Your Life and Work in 2020Artificial Intelligence has made quite the journey, from being a science fiction to becoming the part of an era where it has already reached the stage of implementation here in 2020.Top cryptocurrencies and events to look for in 20202020 seems to be an exciting year for crypto enthusiasts. From events like Bitcoin halving to the launching of Libra by Facebook some great and promising events are going to happen that might change the future of cryptocurrencies and its use all over the world.Pro tips for Google Cloud Dataflow & BigQueryTis the season to be kind and generous, or so I’ve been told. With that festive spirit in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share my pro tips (and also some random fun facts) for Google Cloud Dataflow and BigQuery. These are the two tools on the Google Cloud stack that I’ve worked with the most, so I’ve accumulated quite a few of them along the way.BigQuery ML data preprocessing is now Generally Available (GA).Big Data Glossary You Must Know In 2020Here is the Big data glossary, Big Data terms and definitions that would serve as a guide for beginners. Any terms you think we should add?10 technology trends that will impact our lives in 20202020 — it’s when the world will see transformational changes in how technology impacts our lives. Here’s a look at the top technology trends that will influence us.Blockchain and Big Data: When Two Super Technologies Meet, What Happens?Bitcoins, or digital currencies like it, come with a certain level of anonymity that is, suffice it to say, the point of the whole technology. Credit transactions, especially, have a paper trail that can be tracked, recorded and leveraged.     Books       Big Data Science & Analytics: A Hands-On Approach  We are living in the dawn of what has been termed as the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", which is marked through the emergence of "cyber-physical systems" where software interfaces seamlessly over networks with physical systems, such as sensors, smartphones, vehicles, power grids or buildings, to create a new world of Internet of Things (IoT).   Programming Hive: Data Warehouse and Query Language for Hadoop   Need to move a relational database application to Hadoop? This comprehensive guide introduces you to Apache Hive, Hadoop’s data warehouse infrastructure. You’ll quickly learn how to use Hive’s SQL dialect—HiveQL—to summarize, query, and analyze large datasets stored in Hadoop’s distributed filesystem.          For a detailed list of books covering Big data Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and associated programming languages check out our big data books page.  Want to reach our audience / fellow readers? Consider Sponsoring - grab a spot now.    Big Data | Hadoop News | AI | ML | NoSQL | Education | IoT | Cloud