BDNW Issue - 12

Latest Big Data, FinTech,Hadoop,Data science,IoT, AI news

#12 - June 26, 2019 Curated news, articles on Big Data,FinTech, Blockchain, IoT,AI

Agile Database Development-5 Tips to Get You StartedToday, the majority of application developers are embracing the agile approach. Agile has thus become standard practice for many organizations. However, database developers, particularly those working on relational databases, have not readily adopted agile development methods, partly because they need to be conscious of the state of a database when implementing changes.The Interesting Evolution Of Big Data AnalyticsBig data analytics is perhaps the most useful and popular analytics tool that has become indispensible for almost all modern businesses that deals with excessively large amount of data.MBA and Big Data Analysis: Is There a Relationship Between the Two?Big data is a popular term in business nowadays, and there’s ample reason why it is so popular. It essentially allows analysts to predict the future of the market. The more these large sets of data are decoded, the more patterns in customer behavior and sales patterns are revealed31 BIG DATA PLATFORMS THAT THRIVE ON INFORMATION OVERLOADThe total amount of data recorded until 2003 was five exabytes, or one quintillion bytes. (A quintillion is a million, cubed.) In 2011 alone, recorded data weighed in at 1.8 zettabytes — almost a thousand times more.Experts Discuss the 4 Most Important Big Data Programming LanguagesWhile spoken languages are typically determined by geography, the use of programming languages is determined more by the coder’s preference, IT culture, and business objectives.Top 9 Actionable Employee Engagement Ideas and ActivitiesIn today’s competitive business world employee engagement is an essential element in creating a positive work culture and a productive workforce. Organizations with engaged employees perform better than those without by whopping 202%. This is the reason employee engagement gets top precedence in the workplace strategy.10 Key Chatbot Implementation Considerations You Should be Aware ofChatbots today are being deployed across large, medium and small organizations to simplify business workflows and reduce customer service costs. Chatbots provide seamless self-service options to your customers and employees. They help your IT support, HR and customer service teams focus on productive activities and reduce time and effort involved in mundane tasks.Big Data Glossary of TermsHere is the Big data glossary, Big Data terms and definitions that would serve as a guide for beginners.  Graduate Programs in Big Data Analytics and Data Science:Huge demand for Big data, Analytics, Data Mining, and Data Science. Colleges and Universities are starting to notice the demand for employees with data science skills. Most of the programs are not named data science, but they all focus on producing data people.VMware Adds Cloud Automation for DevOpsIt’s still a big issue, and the former CloudCoreo product has been enhanced and integrated into VMware’s growing DevOps infrastructure as VMware Secure State.     Books       Big Data Science & Analytics: A Hands-On Approach  We are living in the dawn of what has been termed as the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", which is marked through the emergence of "cyber-physical systems" where software interfaces seamlessly over networks with physical systems, such as sensors, smartphones, vehicles, power grids or buildings, to create a new world of Internet of Things (IoT).     Programming Hive: Data Warehouse and Query Language for Hadoop   Need to move a relational database application to Hadoop? This comprehensive guide introduces you to Apache Hive, Hadoop’s data warehouse infrastructure. You’ll quickly learn how to use Hive’s SQL dialect—HiveQL—to summarize, query, and analyze large datasets stored in Hadoop’s distributed filesystem.          For a detailed list of books covering Big data Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and associated programming languages check out our big data books page.  Want to reach our audience / fellow readers? Consider sponsoring - grab a spot now.    Big Data | Hadoop News | AI | ML | NoSQL | Education | IoT | Cloud